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Listing Norms

The Direct Listing norms of the companies of the exchange as mentioned below:

1. The company should have minimum issued and paid up equity capital of Rs.15 lacs and/or Minimum Net worth of Rs.1 crore (Net worth includes Equity capital and free reserves excluding revaluation reserves) in immediately preceding financial years.

2. Track record of distributable profits in terms of sec. 205 of Companies Act, 1956 for at least two years out of immediately preceding three financial years and each financial year has to be a period of at least 12 months. Extraordinary income will not be considered for the purpose of calculating distributable profits. Companies not fulfilling the aforesaid criteria will be given conditional listing and such companies which will not be able to fulfill the aforesaid criteria within next 3 financial years (excluding the Financial Year of listing) will be compulsorily delisted from this Exchange.

3. Public shareholding as per SCRA, SCRR and Listing Agreement. Minimum 25% of the company's issued capital should be with Non-Promoters shareholders as per Clause 35 of the Listing Agreement.

4. The criteria for minimum number of shareholders for enlistment at CSE would not be considered for direct listing of companies till 31st March 2015 and thereafter, the present criteria for minimum 100 number of shareholders would be insisted for direct listing.
5. The company should have at least three years listing record with any of the Regional Stock Exchange.

6. No regulatory investigation should be pending against the company. In case of penalty levied by any regulatory body the company should have paid the total penalty before making the application with CSE. A certificate from the Director/ Company Secretary to be provided at the time of application for listing with CSE.

7. The company should have complied with the major clauses of the listing agreement of the existing exchange for last three years.

8. Trading in compulsory DEMAT, minimum 50% of the public shareholding to be in demat form & 100% of the promoted holding to be in demat form.

Required documents:-

1. Listing Agreement of the company with this Exchange. (available in the CSE's website:

2. Letter of application along with the Distribution Schedule.( available in the CSE's website:

3. Profile of the company.

4. Printed copy of Articles and Memorandum of Association.

5. Annual Reports for the last three Financial Years.

6. Continuation of listing with the existing stock exchange stating the number of shares listed with them.

7. ISIN code allotted by both the depositories for all the securities of the company.

8. Confirmation of NSDL and CDSL mentioning the ISIN No. and the credit confirmation at their end. 9. DIN and PAN of the Board of Directors of the company.

10. If the MOA and AOA have been amended then copy of such amended MOA and AOA, Notice copy, resolution copy and ROC acknowledgement copy.

11. Confirmation from the company stating that there are no restrictive clauses in MOA and AOA.

12. Certificate from the existing Stock Exchange stating the fact that there is no investor grievance pending against the company and the company is a compliant company

13. Certificate of the company stating the fact that no regulatory investigation was pending against the company.

14. Complied with the requirement as per SEBI circular dated 16th April 2012 on registration of the company with SCORES system.

15. Company must be having its own web-site with all the required compliances.

16. Payment of annual listing fee, processing fee, initial listing fee, as per schedule.

Format of letter of application, Issue detail & distribution schedule

1. The paid up equity capital of the Company shall not be less than Rs. 3 crores and Net worth* of the Company (for the previous financial year) shall not be less than Rs. 10 crores.

*Net worth means : Paid up equity capital
+ Free Reserves i.e. reserve, the utilization of which is not restricted in any manner may be taken into consideration excluding revaluation reserves
- Miscellaneous Expenses not written off
- Balance in profit and loss account to the extent not set off

2. The applicant has paid dividend in at least 2 out of the last 3 financial years immediately preceding the year in which the company is considered for permitting to trade on the Exchange or the Company has reported net profits in atleast 2 out of the last 3 financial years immediately preceding the year in which the company is considered for permitting to trade on the Exchange.

3. The Company should be listed on a RSE for at least three years.

4. Track record of compliance for the last 3 years.

Following documents/information need to be submitted in respect of eligible companies:

1. No. of shares listed, Paid up Capital and listed Capital on CSE

2. Fact Sheet in the format to be provided by NSE

3. Shareholding Pattern, Financial Results, Corporate Governance Report and Secretarial Audit Report for the three quarters

4. Last traded price on CSE, if any

6. Last 3 years Annual Reports

7. Listing approval letter from the CSE for the initial listing and latest issue made by the company

Processing fee of Rs. 1,00,000/- plus S.T. (AS APPLICABLE) for getting trading platform under CSE-NSE permitted category

Eligibility for Listing in BSE
Profile of the Company
(Please affix stamp of the company and initial the same)

Name of the Company  
Registered Office Address Tel # and Fax #  
Correspondence Address Tel # and Fax #  
Plant Address  
Promoters of the Company  
Details of Board of Directors along with the Executive/ Non-Executive/Independent Status

Also indicate whether the director is a Managing Director or Chairman
Company Secretary Tel # and Fax # Email ID  
Compliance Officer Tel # and Fax # Email ID  
Email ID for investor grievances  
RTA and Common Agency along with address  
Company?s business Give a brief write up
Group Companies  
Name Change/ Change in business  
Share Capital
(Listed, Paid-up Capital, Provide details of Calls-in-Arrears )
____ equity shares of Rs. _____ /- each aggregating to Rs. ___
Capital evolution details of the company  
Whether the entire capital of the company is listed on all the Exchanges where listed  
Scrip Code of the company in the Exchange where listed  
Other Exchanges where listed alongwith trading status  
Whether the equity shares of the company are mandated for trading in compulsory demat segment by SEBI? If yes, please mention the SEBI Circular no. and date  
ISIN Nos  
Date of Listing of Securities on the Exchange  
No of employees in the company  
Audited Financial performance for last 3 financial years Sales/ Income from operations
Other Income
Total Income
Earnings before Interest, Depreciation, Tax & Amortisation
Profit before Tax
Provision for Tax
Profit after Tax

Share Capital
Reserves and Surplus (excl revaluation reserve)
Loan Funds

Fixed Assets
   Gross Block
   Net Block
Working Capital
   Current Assets
   Less Current Liabilities
Miscellaneous Exp/ Dr. Bal in P&L Account
Details of securities issued which are convertible into equity at a later date.  
Details of material litigations pending against the company and the current status  
Whether there are any auditors qualifications in the latest audit report, when the company would remove those qualifications and how the same has been addressed in the subsequent quarterly results  
Whether any scheme under section 391 - 394 or 100 is pending before any High Court. If yes, details thereof  
We confirm that the information contained herein are true and correct and does not contain any misstatement.
Signed by Managing Director/ Company Secretary

Other enclosures:
1. Quarterly results for the subsequent quarters in Clause 41 format including segment results and consolidated results if applicable.

2. Latest Shareholding Pattern in clause 35 format alongwith annexures in new format

3. Latest Annual report of the company

4. Undertaking to submit, inter alia, the following information to BSE at the same time it is sent to CSE: a. Clause 16 – Fixation of Book Closure/ Record Date b. Clause 19 – Board Meeting Intimation c. Clause 20 and 22 – Outcome of the Board Meeting d. Clause 30 – Any change in Directors and Auditors. e. Clause 31 – Copies of notices sent to shareholders and resolutions passed in the AGM/ EGM and two copies of the annual report f. Clause 35 – Shareholding pattern alongwith annexures g. Clause 36 – Material and price sensitive information h. Clause 41 – Quarterly/ Annual results alongwith limited review/ auditors report i. Clause 47 – Compliance officer, RTA j. Disclosures under 3(4), 7(3), 8(3) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takover) Regulations, 1997 k. Disclosures under 13(6) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992.

5. No objection for permitting the securities of the company to be traded on BSE.

6. Undertaking that there is no order against the promoters/ directors/ company by SEBI or other any statutory authority from accessing or dealing in the capital market.

7. Merchant Bankers certificate on fair value of the scrip, where the scrip has not been traded on the Exchange for more than six months.

Auditors Certificate for shares that are locked in, if any.
On the letterhead of the company

Dept. of Corporate Services
Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.
P J Towers, 1st floor
Dalal Street, Fort
Mumbai 400 001

Kind Attn: Mr. Gopalkrishnan Iyer, General Manager


Sub : Providing trading facility on BSE

Presently the securities of the company are listed on Calcutta Stock Exchange. In order to provide an Exchange platform with nationwide trading terminal, we request you to consider our application for inclusion of the securities for trading under the “Permitted Securities” category of BSE.

In this regard, we are enclosing herewith the profile of the company alongwith other enclosures/ undertakings.

Yours faithfully

To be signed by Managing Director/ Whole time Director
(Name of the Signatory)