Date: 27.10.2014



Sub: Cancellation of Certificate of Sub Broker Registration of  Agarwalla Securities (P) Ltd. Trade Name M/s. Agarwalla Securities (P) Ltd. bearing   SEBI Registration No.INS030338136 affiliated to Broker Sanjay Kumar Thard bearing SEBI registration No.INB030668212



Members are hereby informed that SEBI vide its letter Ref.No. MIRSD-5/SB/SURRENDER/30178/2014 dated 20.10.2014  has cancelled your sub broker SEBI registration of Agarwalla Securities (P) Ltd.  Trade Name Agarwalla Securities (P) Ltd. bearing   SEBI Registration No. INS030338136 with effect from 16.09.2014.



Sripriya Senthilkumar

Deputy General Manager