September 3, 2013



Trading members are hereby informed that NSE is conducting NISM CPE Refresher program for equity derivative at Kolkata. Trading members who are interested to do the program can apply through The Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd   (CSE). CSE as a Professional Clearing member of NSE shall issue necessary certificate based on their experience. The tentative date of the program is 14th or 15th September 2013. The details are given bellow for further action of the members.


The CPE Refresher Program on Equity Derivatives can be attended by :

1) A NCFM/ BCFM certificate holder on Derivative Market (Dealers) Module who’s Certificate is going to expire within the next twelve months

2) A Principal who wishes to get the certificate for the first time / revalidate the certificate:       

A Principal means a person who is actively engaged in the management of the intermediary’s securities business, and includes: a) Sole Proprietors, b) Managing Partners and c) Whole Time Directors, can be classified under the Principal category.     

3) A Grandfathered person who wishes to get the certificate for the first time/ revalidate the certificate.

Grandfathered Person means: A Grandfathered Person is a person:  

A) Any person who has completed the age of 50 years as on January 11, 2013, whether holding or not holding any of the above mentioned certificates          

B) Any person having work experience of 10 years or more as an approved user Person or sales personnel of the trading members of an Equity Derivatives Exchange, as on January 11, 2013, whether holding or not holding any of the above mentioned certificates           

The above two category of persons can obtain the certificate for the first time by attending the above Program.


In order to register for the forthcoming NISM CPE Refresher program, the details are: 

Participants desirous of attending the said CPE ED Program need to provide the following documents:

1.         NISM CPE Registration Form (form attached)

2.         Demand draft for Rs.2000/- favouring “National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.”, payable at Kolkata (with name and PAN mentioned on reverse of the demand draft)   
3.         Two photographs (with name, signature and PAN mentioned on reverse of the photographs)

4.         Self-attested copy of previous certificate

5.         Self-attested copy of PAN card

6.         A Letter on the letterhead of a Compliance Officer or a practicing Charted Accountant/Company Secretary - (Principal category)

7.         A Letter on the letterhead of the Compliance Officer of a trading member- (Grandfather by Experience category)

The above documents should be sent in an envelope marked as ‘Documents for CPE Program’ and sent/ delivered to CSE's office, address given hereunder.

For The Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd.

7, Lyons Range, Kolkata-700001

For more details, please feel free to contact us.

Participants can also refer to: under Education>Certifications>Continuing Professional Education (CPE)




(B. Madhav Reddy)

Managing Director & CEO

The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited